Purfleet-on-Thames Heritage & Military Centre

Group visits and Walks

Purfleet-on-Thames Heritage & Military Centre

Group Visits

Adult Groups

We offer guided tours of the Heritage and Military Centre for adult groups. These include a beverage and biscuits and a 60 to 90 minute guided tour of the exhibits by our experts and an exploration of the outside of the Magazine. Minimum group size is 10.

£5 per person

Scouts, Guides and Cadets

We offer guided tours of the Heritage and Military Centre for young persons groups. These include a 60 to 90 minute guided tour of the exhibits by our experts including hands on experience with some of our artefacts. Minimum group size is 10.

£3 per person

School Groups

For schools we offer a tailored visit to the Heritage and Military Centre to either see the whole exhibition or to explore a particular part of the history curriculum. Maximum group size is one class group (around 30).

£3 per pupil

Walks and Tours

We offer two walks and tours of Purfleet-on-Thames starting from the Heritage Centre at present. The Heritage Walk explores the landmarks of the town, Long Reach and remnants of the Garrison. We also offer a Ghost and Folklore Walk four times a year exploring the ghoulish side of the town including it's links with Dracula. Both these must be pre-booked.

£5 adults, £3 under 16s

Upcoming Dates

Saturday 17th May 2025, 9pm: Ghost and Folklore Walk - Contact us to book

Saturday 16th August 2025, 9pm: Ghost and Folklore Walk - Contact us to book

Saturday 15th November 2025, 5pm: Ghost and Folklore Walk - Contact us to book

Heritage Walks can be run any Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday when we are open provided there are sufficient numbers.
We also cater for organised groups on other days of the week provided these are pre-booked and have sufficient numbers. U3A and other adult groups welcome.

"Very positive feedback from all who attended... thanks for making our trip so memorable."

Clive B, Chiswell Green U3A

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to to reach out to us - we’d love to talk to you!

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Can you help us?

We are always looking for people to join our team of friendly enthusiastic volunteers. If you can spare some time to help guide, present, maintain or assist in any other way at the Centre, please get in touch.

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